Call for Initial Statements of Interest for Hosting ACM Web Science Conference 2026

Important Dates

The important dates for applying to host the Conference are:

Friday, May 10, 2024 Deadline for receiving statements of interest
Friday, May 24, 2024 Notifications to shortlisted bids are sent out
Friday, July 05, 2024 Formal applications received from shortlisted bids

Friday, July 19, 2024 Shortlisted applicants informed


The Steering Committee of ACM WebSci is seeking statements of interest from organizations or consortia interested in hosting the 18th ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci 2026). The conference series usually moves between the continents. We will accept bids from all locations, but for the 2026 conference, we will give preference to bids within Europe. We expect the conference to take place in May-June. Co-location with other ACM conferences will be considered and hosting the conference as a hybrid event is encouraged. Please include a statement on how you would propose offering remote attendance.


The process consists of two stages. During this first stage, the Steering Committee solicits informal statements of interest through an open call. We will prefer statements that commit to running an event with low registration costs encouraging participants from all disciplines, including ones with lower financial provisions.

Organizations wishing to host the conference should contact Susan Davies ( with a short paragraph outlining your interest, which should include the main organizer, the proposed venue and potential dates. Any organization can apply to host the conference, but the local organizing committee must include a representative of a local research group.

Once the first phase is complete, the Steering Committee will shortlist applications who will be invited to submit a full proposal.

Announcement ACM WebSci 2025 Hosts

The hosts for ACM WebSci 2025 will be announced at this year’s conference in Stuttgart, Germany from 21-24 May.

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