Schedule and Accepted Papers

The PhD Symposium will be held including a Welcome Session, three PhD Sessions, and an Award Ceremony. Within each PhD Session, each PhD student has 45 minutes split into 25-20 minutes of oral presentation and 20-25 minutes of feedback.

The schedule of the PhD Symposium is as follows:

Welcome Session (15 minutes)

1. Session (45 minutes):

The spatiality of topics in typical sources of text data
Johannes Mast1

1 German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany  

coffee break

2. Session (90 minutes):

Stemming the Tide of Problematic Information in Online Environments: Assessing Interventions and Identifying Opportunities for Interruption
Kayla Duskin1

1 University of Washington, United States  
What Makes Consent Meaningful?
Asilata Karandikar1

1 International Insitute of Information Technology Bangalore, India  

lunch break

3. Session (90 minutes):

Content Moderation, Platformised Speech Governance, and Legitimacy: TikTok in South and Southeast Asia
Diyi Liu1

1 University of Oxford, United Kingdom  
Advancing Web Science through Foundation Model for Tabular Data
Inwon Kang1

1 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States  

coffee break

Award Ceremony (30 minutes)

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