
This year, we will be allocating the following awards:

  • Annual Test of Time Award – Sponsored by Web Science Trust – 1000 £
  • Best Paper Awards – Sponsored by SIGWEB – 1000 €
    • 800€ Best Full Paper
    • 200€ Best Short Paper
  • Best Poster Award – Sponsored by Web Science Trust – 50 £
  • Best PhD Paper Presentation Award – Sponsored by Web Science Trust – 100 £

Test of Time Award Committee

  • Oshani Seneviratne (Chair)
  • Munmun De Choudhury
  • Srinath Srinivasa
  • Matthew Weber

Best Paper Awards

  • The Best Paper Awards will be awarded to the best full and the best short paper submissions, as judged by the conference organizers (800€ Full Paper / 200€ Short Paper).

Best Poster Award

  • The Best Poster Award will be awarded to the best full poster submitted, as judged by the Poster Committee.

Best Ph.D. Paper Presentation Award

  • The Best Ph.D. Paper Presentation Award will be awarded and judged by the Ph.D. Symposium Committee.

The Annual Test of Time Award will be announced Wednesday morning during the opening message. The other awards will be announced during the Conference Closing Ceremony on Friday, May 24, 2024.

These are the winners of this year’s awards:

  • Annual Test of Time Award: Albert Solé Ribalta (UOC), Manlio De Domenico (UniPD), Sergio Gomez (URV), and Alex Arenas (URV) for their work titled “Centrality rankings in multiplex networks”
  • Best Paper Awards:
    • Best Full Paper: Abdulaziz Almuzaini, David Pennock, and Vivek Singh for their paper titled “Accuracy and Fairness for Web-Based Content Analysis under Temporal Shifts and Delayed Labeling”
      [First Runner Up: Tolga Buz, Moritz Schneider, Lucie-Aimée Kaffee, and Gerard de Melo; “Highly Regarded Investors? Mining Predictive Value from the Collective Intelligence of Reddit’s WallStreetBets”;
      Second Runner Up: Eszter Zsisku, Arkaitz Zubiaga, and Haim Dubossarsky; “Hate Speech Detection and Reclaimed Language: Mitigating False Positives and Compounded Discrimination”]
    • Best Short Paper: Lucio La Cava, Domenico Mandaglio, and Andrea Tagarelli for their paper titled “Polarization in Decentralized Online Social Networks”
  • Best Poster Award: Chiara Drolsbach, Kirill Solovev, and Nicolas Pröllochs for their poster titled “Community notes increase trust in fact-checking on social media”
  • Best PhD Paper Presentation Award: Kayla Duskin for the work titled “Stemming the tide of problematic information in online environments: Assessing interventions and identifying opportunities for interruption”
  • PhD Paper Presentation – Runner-Up: Diyi Liu for the work titled “Content moderation, platformised speech governance, and legitimacy: TikTok in South and Southeast Asia”

We congratulate all the winners and wish them all the best for their future research endeavors!

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